Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Meet RSS, A Time Saver!

Imagine following a blog. You visit it every day to read new posts. No problem. But imagine following fifteen different blogs, maybe more, about (let’s say) five different topics. Wouldn’t it be hard and time consuming to visit each of them, everyday? Don’t worry, there’s an easy solution to this problem: RSS.
  • What is RSS?
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. Basically, it is a feed that gathers all the new posts from blogs and sites you follow and store them in one place. Isn’t it amazing? You can simply download or add a free RSS reader to your computer. Then just go to the sites you want to subscribe! RSS will show all the new posts in one place and some readers even give you notifications when there is an update.

The reader I use is feeder. You can add it to your Chrome browser by clicking here. Another reader I used for a while is feedreader.com. I’m new to this RSS world so I’m still trying to find the best tool for me.

1. What you see when you open your Feeder. 

2. You can change the display settings and add filters from here. 
3. You can add new feed by clicking on the "+" sign.

Here’s a blog I enjoy following. It’s called Team 2 Eagles. It’s a blog written by a classroom teacher. She updates everyday with what they did on that day with pictures. I like this blog because as a teacher candidate I enjoy seeing other teacher’s classroom activities. I think teachers and teacher candidates like me would really enjoy following this blog.

What are your favorite blogs? Comment down below :)

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